Export expericence : 18 Years

Serving customers : 385

Repurchase rate : 100%

Annual sales: $ 22million in 2023

Main customers : America, Russia ,Dubai,Germany,Chile ,Mexico

Main products: Wire shelving ,Shopping trolley and other metal produtcs

Location: Changshu, 100 kilometers from Shanghai Port

Factory area : 60000 Square meters.

Employees: 160

Production lines: 6

Certifaction : NSF ISO9001 BV Successful experience : Strict cost control system and product quality management system

Our values : Honesty, Altruism

US $44.25 - 46
US $51 - 52
US $
US $46.7 - 100
US $46.8 - 80
US $
US $
US $76 - 77
US $37 - 38
US $37 - 38
US $15 - 30